The Best Residual and Bonus Program in the Country!
What more could you ask for?
Why work with Merchant Wharehouse?
for starters we offer The Most Competitive ISO Agent Program Compensation Package in the country. If that’s not enough then here are The Top 10 Reasons You Want to Join Our Team, Sell Credit Card Processing, and Build You Book Of Business with us now:

We Will Put Together All of Your Proposals and Rate Comparisons for You.
You just send us a client’s statement and we will have a proposal back to you in as little as an hour.

Free Terminal Exchanges
We know that downloading a client’s terminal on site is difficult – so – if they own their own equipment we will exchange it for a new terminal (downloaded and ready to install) at no cost. All you have to do is plug in our machine and send theirs back to us with the provided return label!

Free Loaner Terminals
Have a Client who needs to start accepting EMV? No problem – We offer EMV ready equipment at no cost.

Free POYNT Terminals
Looking to step up to a more robust terminal? We offer the POYNT at no out of pocket cost for your clients.

POS Systems
Have a client with an existing POS? Chances are we have worked with it before and have the ability to reprogram it so you don’t have to.

100% Profit Paid To You
On All Equipment Sales
You sell a Terminal that costs $199 for $399 and we pay you 100% of the profit. This is direct deposited in to your checking account every friday.

Residual Split Starting
From Day 1
You don’t have to wait months or a year before you start earning residual income. You start earning right away!

Transparent Pricing
For Your Clients
We only write our applications on an Interchange Plus (also known as cost plus) Pricing Structure. This guarantees the client the best rate on every card they accept!

Cash Discount and
Are you not selling this product yet? We can help you get started and you can help your clients cut their processing bills by up to 99%.

Concierge Management
We provide you with a one on one point of contact here. They will answer all of your questions and make sure you and your clients are taken care of in a timely manner.
Your Job as a Merchant Services Sales Agent is to go out sell. Our Job is to make it easier for you to sell Merchant Services. We don’t want you to have to focus on anything but going out and Selling Merchant Accounts – Leave the dirty work to us and you can double your production!
What Is Merchant Service Sales?
We get this question from potential sales people every day: What is Merchant Services Sales and How Do I Make Money selling Credit Card Processing?
When ever you use your credit card to pay a business for a product or service that business pays a fee to take the transaction.A portion of the fee goes to the issuing bank, a portion goes to visa, mc, discover, or american express, and a portion goes to what is called the service organization or ISO. Merchant Wharehouse is an ISO and Our Job is to facilitate the set up of merchant accounts so businesses can accept card transactions. We make a portion of the sale whenever a card is run through one of our clients terminals or payment systems.
So Where Do Our Sales People Come in to the Picture?
We grow our business through our network of independent sales people who are building their own book of business within our business. Whenever they set up a client to accept credit cards we share the profit with them. Their job is to go talk to clients – most of whom already accept credit cards, and help them negotiate a lower price. We will put together a proposal for the independent sales person and help them close the deal. then they start earning residual income every month off of the transactions that are being run through the terminal.
The beauty of what our sales people do is that they are building their own company and they earn passive income off of every client that they have already signed up. They sell the client once and then earn an income for as long as that client is with us!
One of our Sales Managers will reach out to you to discuss getting you set up as one of our Newest Agents!
How to Sell Credit Card Processing
and Make Over $300k a Year
We have many people apply to sell Credit Card Processing with us every day. The top question they ask is: How Much can I Make in this Position? the answer is a difficult one because at the end of the day their income is based upon how hard they work. It inevitably leads them to ask how much earning potential there is. The short answer: Our Top Sales Reps make over $400k a year. Below is a brief explanation of how they do it.
Every time one of our agents signs on a new client they earn up to $200 just for signing the deal. In addition they will earn a monthly bonus of up to $1,000. This is a great way to put some money in their pocket right away – but it pales in comparison to where the real money is made when you sell credit card processing – residuals.
What are Residuals? every time one of our clients runs a credit card through their merchant account we make a percentage of the sale. (This may be anywhere from a few pennies to a few dollars.) This is paid to us for as long as the client is processing credit cards with us. The sales rep who brought the client to us earns up to a 60% split of this income. So every time the business swipes a credit card our sales representative is making money. This is residual income.
How could a few pennies or dollars possibly add up to a $300,000 a year income? if our rep brings 10 clients to us every month (less than 3 a week) at an average profit of $250 per client per month to the rep they are increasing their monthly income by $2500. After 12 months of hard work they have increased their monthly income to $30,000. This is the equivalent of $360,000 a year! now imagine if you put in that type of hard work for a few years? we like to say that it is totally possible to make a million dollars when you sell credit card processing – you just have to do it $50 at a time!